Pagan: Especially :a follower of a polytheistic religion (as in ancient Rome)
One who has little or no religion.who delights in sensual pleasures and material good:an irreligious or hedonistic person.
pagan we called for those people who doesn't believe the religion.they just apply their own opinion.
Temples: A building devoted to the workshop or regarded as the dwelling place of a god or gods or other objects of religious reverence.
Temples is a structure reserved for religious or spiritual activities such as prayer and sacrifice,or analogous rites. A temples constituted a sacred precinct as defined by a priest.It also became associated with the dwelling places of a god or gods.
Heaven:A place regarded in various religions as the abode of god and the angles, and of the good after death.
It is commonly believed that heavenly beings can descend to earth and that earthly begins can ascend to heaven in the afterlife or,exceptional cases,enter heaven alive.
Buckskin: Buck skin are clothing,usually consisting of a jacket and leggings,made from buckskin a soft suede leather from the hide of deer or elk.
Buckskin is a hair coat color of horses;referring to a color that resembles certain shades of tanned deerskin.similar colors in some breeds of dogs are also called buckskin.
Snake:An animel with a long thin body and no legs,that often has poisonous bite.
Snake are extremely important to humans and the type of high blood pressure medicine was developed using information based on chemical secrets contained in snaked venom.
Gaze:To look at someone or something for a long time,giving it all your attention,often without realizing you are doing so.
Its important to teach children from a young age to look people in the eye when they are talking to them or they could develop a habit of seeming.Also its respect,interest,appreciation and understanding.
Great job, Marzia!