<Story about my family>
I am marzia .I am youngest child in my family.I have three brothers and four sisters including me.We have a happy family.my oldest brother is responsible person.he is living in Bangladesh with my parents.Mostly He take care our family.He is married .he carefully care our parents.My oldest sister and two middle sisters are married.They are happy in their lives.One important thing my two brothers and one sister and me living in the United State.My oldest brother and two sister living in Bangladesh.my second brother is married and he has two kids.My sister and me living with my second brother.We always try to understand each other.we celebrate our special day together.we want to keep our happiness in our family.my youngest brother live with my uncle in Manhattan.he visit us in his day-off.We have good relationship with each other.we try to help each other as we can.Our main weak point is our parents.We love our parents very much.We visit Bangladesh to see our parents.Always we talk with our parents .we have a wonderful family.
Hey Mervalous Marzia ; your are lucky as the article said you do less work but everytbody for your sibiling are taking care of you ;)
ReplyDeletehi Mervalous Marzia; i think you are very lucky ,in your wrting it does show how nice and caring family you have.